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While there is no gay village in Quebec City, rue Saint-Jean in the Saint-Jean-Baptiste neighborhood has plenty of rainbow flags and queer spirit to keep you entertained. While Montreal’s Gay Village is probably the most vibrant in Canada, you can also see the physical manifestation of Canada’s queer spirit in Toronto’s Church Wellesley Village, Vancouver’s Davie Village, and Ottawa’s Bank Street Gay Village.

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Quebec was also one of the world’s first jurisdictions to prohibit all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights in Canada are some of the most advanced in the world, and in modern times the Government of Canada has a strong history of commitment to protecting and advancing the rights of LGBT people - both within Canada and worldwide.

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We also loved that in Quebec City the usage of hook up apps is not yet as pervasive here as in most other cites, meaning that while everyone is still connected online here, people also still genuinely enjoy chatting each other up in bars and cruising in nightclubs or bathhouses is still common practice.

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