Nyc gay pride week

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Overnight, Desmond's story was featured on NewNowNext, Yahoo, Perez Hilton, and Out Magazine. In 2015, Desmond was the star of NYC Pride March when he danced his way into everyone's hearts in his choice of a rainbow tutu and sparkly gold beret. It ignited a passion within him for entertaining others, as well as an understanding of how important it is for people of all ages to express themselves the way they want to. This was Desmond's first time playing a character in 'drag' and he loved it. His first big break came in 2014 when he was featured alongside the B-52's lead singer, Fred Schneider, in RuPaul's Drag Race season 5 winner Jinkx Monsoon's music video for the song, 'The Bacon Shake'. It was as simple as defeating those feelings, accepting Desmond as he is, and respecting Desmond's own tastes and preferences.

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Desmond's parents quickly realized that the source of their uneasiness came not from Desmond's personal choices, but from their own misgivings about how the outside world would react.

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As a toddler, Desmond enjoyed playing dress up by taking bed sheets, towels, bubble wrap and his mother's t-shirts to make his own outfits, dresses and 'wigs'.įrom early on, Desmond said that he is a boy who enjoys dressing up as a girl.

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